Arya College, Jaipur
About Arya College

First Year Department

About the First Year Department:

Our job is to make sure your college experience is everything it should be exciting, stimulating and successful.

The first year of the college is the year when students leave their schooldays and try to fit into an adult life. Energy levels are high and so are the curiosity levels. This is the time to explore self and ones intellectual is the time to lay a strong foundation for a strong and huge edifice. It’s an extremely challenging but thrilling time of life.

Arya College is prepared to team up and guide the new budding engineers in their quest for success and overall development. We put tremendous effort in grooming the students and work towards their all rounded development and growth. We are a futuristic institute with a number of years of experience. We help students evolve with their values in place. Our Team displays the behavior and dedication which sets an example for the students to emulate.

Not only is education and helping establishing their roots in engineering for a firmer foundation our goal, but working on their attitude, discipline, personalities and offering them ample opportunities to come out of their cocoon and grow in fine and confident individuals is our untiring resolve.

We have successfully built a culture of mutual respect and Sanskar. Guiding students in exploring thier intellectual strengths and translating it into success is where our strength lies.

Not only do we not compromise on the regularity of classes but make sure that students participate and enjoy their student life as well. We regularly conduct extra curricular cultural activities, sports events and offer communication clubs for improving their communication skills.

As rightly said ‘soft skills are the life skills for today’s generation. Emotional Intelligence is just as important as Intelligent Quotient and the good news is that it can be built. And institute and we as are ready to work towards it. Thus, we incessantly work on the soft skills of our students. Every once a while bringing in experts from the industry to give them an insight into the real world.

Message By HOD of First Year Department:

Dear Students!

Welcome to first year department. The department has conducive environment and enormous learning opportunities for the right candidates. It is an opportunity to foster the character building and good future life ultimately to emerge as tomorrow nation builders. Our vision is to produce world class engineers for converting global challenges into the opportunities through the value embedded quality technical education.

All the teaching faculty in the institute, strive hard to impart training for the students to make them competent, motivated engineers and scientists ultimately developing the institute as a centre of academic excellence. Their endeavor is to inculcate a solid foundation of knowledge and enhancing confidence, creativity and innovation in the students. Arya is one of the  Best civil Engineering college  in Jaipur.


Department of 1st Year & Humanities


Arya College Labs Images
Arya College Labs Images
Arya College Labs Images

Arya College, Jaipur

Get In touch


What is the first-year department?

  • The first year department is to support of the aspiring engineers' pursuit of achievement and all-around growth.

What you will gain from the first-year department?

Why is college's first year important?

How does the first year set the stage for the rest of my engineering studies?

What advice do you have for succeeding in the first year of engineering?